The Great FreeSet is an opportunity to set ourselves free by truly knowing the freedom and rights that come with being human.
But aren't we already free?
We’re not as free as we think.
Many of our natural and fundamental rights are not being respected by governments.
Nor are we being respected by unelected, unaccountable international organisations, corporations and private stakeholders to whom more undue power is being handed every day.
At the same time, our behaviour is being influenced in a sophisticated manner via the information we receive, posing questions as to who controls what we do.
The Great FreeSet aims to reclaim our freedoms and powers that are being violated without us even noticing.
Our freedom is under attack
Our rights are being disrespected and encroached on in front of our eyes. Government ‘by the people and for the people’ via elected representatives is mutating into government by and for unelected, unaccountable special interests.
Some examples of these are:
Loss of Privacy
Multinationals Dominate
Food Being Tampered With
Profit-orientated international corporations and other private stakeholders use toxic additives and pesticides which make people sick. They also aim to achieve full control over the food supply by introducing harmful, biotechnologically manipulated GM foods and patenting seeds. Also fluoride is added to water despite evidence of harm.
Free Speech Silenced
Legitimate science, the flow of information and political free debate are being stifled with the assistance of big tech algorithms.
Potentially Harmful Tech Imposed
Political representatives appear unable and unwilling to act!
Despite a few elected officials doing what they know is right, the vast majority won’t even hear the evidence or debbates brought forward.
Power Grabs are all around
Right now, we need to be vigilant to unelected multinational organisations who are hastily crafting treaties and agreements to snatch powers away from individual countries. Their unelected and unaccountable executives seem to favour their commercial and political allies rather than the general public.
These alarming pacts rapidly erode many of our fundamental rights that unquestionably should be held by nations and accountable by us, the public.
We are never consulted and our political leaders appear complicit or too weak to resist this unrelenting power grab.
World Health Warning
A particularly disturbing development is how the World Health Organisation is trying to seize nations’ powers on matters of our health.
Most concerning are proposed changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the WHO Pandemic Treaty/Accord.
These amendments will grant the right by unelected executives at WHO to declare a health emergency. They would have the power to force health policies onto individual states – suppressing any objections the country and its people might have.
WHO will demand that countries impose medicines and other health measures regardless of whether they are safe or even suitable for that nation or its individuals. Compliance would be enforced through an intrusive digital surveillance network.
Our freedom of choice is being stripped away by unaccountable people and organisations.
We seriously question if the WHO is acting for our benefit.
National interests tied to corporations and private stakeholders, such as the Gates Foundation, provide the bulk of funding and dictate how 80% of the WHO’s budget must be spent. This results in money being directed back to those special interest groups. This does not benefit the health of people worldwide. In fact, it harms us.
Find out more on the links at the bottom of the page
Are we powerless to do anything about all of this?
Absolutely Not!!
We can fix this together!
The Great FreeSet is a people-powered movement with lots of simple and practical ideas to help us say ‘no’ to these power grabs. The Great FreeSet also offers a vision of a world that is better for our physical and mental health and for our families and communities.
Turn a bitter world into a better world.
Join The Great FreeSet Today
When you subscribe, we will send you a fortnightly series emails with practical tips of how you can make a positive change in small ways and larger ways.
You can even take on some of the challenge ideas!
Small steps to re-take big freedoms
As with any change, it takes many small steps to make large gains.
Let’s put one foot in front of the other, join with others and together we can protect our rights, our health, the natural environment and ensure that our children live in a free and better world.
What you can do now
We will keep you updated with the latest news on The Great FreeSet and share ideas that will help you regain your freedom and sovereignty Would you like your organisation to join? Please let us know too.
Wherever possible, shop locally and try to avoid the retailing giants whose ethics are questionable.
If you shop locally with cash you are starting to make a difference to yours and others’ lives.
The less you use your mobile phone, the less you are exposed to mental and physical harms. Start by switching off for an hour once a week and find yourself refreshed!
And lots more suggestions when you subscribe
So, what’s in the name?
#TheGreatFreeset is our constructive reaction to the worrying implications of ‘The Great Reset‘, a wide-reaching global plan announced in 2020 by the World Economic Forum.WEF’s stated intention is to ‘re-form’ and ‘rebuild’ the world following the disruption of Covid. Many of its plans have provoked deep rooted concerns of how even more powers and rights will be siphoned off to corporations, international bodies and wealthy and powerful individuals.
#TheGreatFreeset, is a wholly positive response to this to assert our powers and rights and prevent them being stolen. Most of all, we are campaigning to keep our freedom.
Subscribe now and join us today on this journey together to make a better world.
PS. It’s all free!
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